The Book of Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali - Part 1

Author: Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali

Category:History - Reference, Personalities, Lifestyle - Morals, Wisdom - Spirituality, Traditions - Hadith, Young Readers, Stories - Narrative, Comparative Religion, Women in Islam, Arabic Books,


Tags:The Book of Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali - Part 1,Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali,ghadeer,saqifa,prophet,ali,salman,wadhu,dream,fati,History - Reference,Personalities,Lifestyle - Morals,Wisdom - Spirituality,Traditions - Hadith,Young Readers,Stories - Narrative,Comparative Religion,Women in Islam,Arabic Books

Date: 2021-02-10

The Sheykh Abdul Naby Al Kazmy in Takmalat Al Rijaal said, ‘I copied from the writing of Al Majlisi, may Allah have Mercy upon him, who said, ‘I say that I found an old copy of Kitab Sulaym by two reports between which were simple differences, and written at the end of one of them was, “This completes Kitab Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali – until it said – A report from Al Sadiq (asws), that he(asws) said: Shiites and those that loves us said: ‘The ones from our (asws) Shiites and those that loves us (asws), who does not have Kitab Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali, then there is nothing with him from our matters, nor does he know anything from our (asws) reasons, and it is the Alphabet (Abjad) of the Shiites, and a secret from the secrets of the Progeny (asws) of Mohammed (saww) AL-MUSTADRAK AL WASAAIL - H-21397[1]

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